I was standing somewhere on the Glasgow Necropolis when I made this shot of the Church Lane with its bridge spanning Wishart Street and continuing on up to the St. Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art. The museum was, for a short time, home to one of my favourite paintings, Salvador Dali’s Christ of St John of the Cross. It has moved to the Kelvingrove but I personally prefer the more intimate and brighter setting at St. Mungo’s.
Not far from where I was standing is one of my favourite graves. Yes, I have favourite graves. It is the resting place of a renowned Scottish industrialist named Charles Tennant, inventor of bleach. Owing to the caustic nature of the ingredients in his bleach recipe, the people who worked in his factory tended to lose their faces. Literally. The workers inhaled the stuff and it ate away the nose cartilage so their faces collapsed. Ironically, acid rain has worked its magic on the statue of Charles Tennant, so it has suffered the same fate as Tennant himself inflicted upon his workers. Not quite karma, but close.