Street Portrait

Street Portrait: Rhiannon

Woman poses with ice skates

Rhiannon was waiting for the bus at the corner of Sherbourne & Wellesley. Somewhat obvious is the fact that she’s off for a skate. Although there are closer rinks, she said she prefers the outdoor rink at Mel Lastman Square.

This seems like a fairly ordinary photograph, an impromptu portrait of a woman leaning against a low concrete wall. However, the photograph is unusual for what is missing. There is no smart phone. There are no earbuds. No electronic devices at all. The only diversion to distract Rhiannon from her life—the ice skates slung over her shoulder—is decidedly low tech.

Nowadays, it’s rare to walk down any city street and not find that a majority of the pedestrians keep their heads bowed to their tiny portable screens, blocking out the noises of the street with headphones or earbuds. People talk about the metaverse as if it’s coming. In my estimation, it’s already here.